Rurouni Kenshin Links (new in the Anipike as of 99.3.25)
Pleas note: all links and link format are copyright Anipike
General Information
Character Pages
Image Galleries
Fan Fiction
Mailing Lists
Rurouni Kenshin Mailing List (Subscribe)
This list is for the discussion of Rurouni Kenshin the Anime/Manga.
To subscribe, type as the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE [email address] KENSHIN.
You should be added to the list shortly.
SASS ML - The Bad Boys of Kenshin! (Subscribe) (Digest)
The Saitoh, Aoshi, Soujiro, and Shishio Mailing List.
This Mailing List is for the discussion of all aspects of the Rurouni Kenshin anime and manga, but particularly for the discussion of the villians, those awesome bad boys! Not just Saitoh, Aoshi, Soujiro, and Shishio, but all of the evil-hearted guys that make Kenshin such a great story. We will have fans on the ML from all over the world including Japan; translators will be available on the list to assist with Japanese to/from English translations.
Be sure to check out the SASS ML Homepage.
Music & Movies
International Pages
Web Rings
Personal/Combo Pages
Miscellaneous Pages